Hunting Thomson Tartan

Designed by John Bain & Alfred Bottomley of MacArthurs of Hamilton (now at Biggar [2002]). Alfred was owner/Managing Director of MacArthurs and John was a director and one of the leading designers in Scotland. The design work on this and the Thomson Hunting was for newspaper magnate, Lord Thomson of Fleet - via Kinloch Anderson of Edinburgh. Recorded in Lord Lyon Book 23 on 7th December 1971. Sample in Scottish Tartans Authoirty Johnston Collection. Now worn by many Thomsons regardless of spelling. John Bain (10th October 2002) remembers Lord Thomson visiting the mill in 1965 to discuss the designs. John Bain does not know where the 'hunting' suffix came from: when designed, this tartan was simply the 'Thomson' Since this is the same sett as the original MacTavish of 1906, it's not known what design work could have been involved in its production or indeed in any of the Thompson tartans. They seem to comprise a few colour changes and nothing else. Sindex calls this Lord Thomson: Hunting. All very confusing! Green lightened to show sett.


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